Giant Escape – Level 07


Giant Escape by Goblin LLC

You find yourself trapped in the gigantic world and your mission is to escape back to reality!

Are you ready to face giant cats and spiders or having trouble reaching the doorknob that feels like climbing to Mount Everest. And it’s not just about the size – the different rooms are full of puzzles, codes and all the other classical room escape game elements. So if you dare to accept this challenge get ready for the real room escape game experience.


The answer for Level 7 – Terrarium :

Zoom the chest
–Tap the tokens and move them in circles of the same color following the paths, you can’t jump over a token.
–Tap the Y branch <return>
Zoom the spider
Zoom the padlock
–Tap each buttons at the bottom and each buttons on the right side
–Tap the stick between brown stone and the spider
–Tap the stick in your inventory
–Tap the brown stone
–Tap the rasor blade
–Tap the stick and the rasor blade in your inventory to made a cutter blade
–Tap the red elastic
–Tap the Y branch and tap the elastic to made a slingshot <return>
Zoom white rocks
–Tap the cutter blade in your inventory
–Tap the fern
–Tap the small stone and the slingshot in your inventory
–Tap the slingshot
–Tap the light
–Tap the light again

Click here to Escape!

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